The 3 Money Generating Campaigns You Need Right Now

Forget the latest, great marketing tricks and gimmicks.

Sometimes old school is simply the best, and these three marketing campaigns prove it

Any one of these campaigns can become the bedrock of your business.

Or integrate all three into your business and watch your sales soar.

1: Coupons and Discounts on the Clock

This one is as old as dirt and it still works wonders.

In fact, it even works better when the economy is in trouble and people are worried about money, like maybe right now.

Get a discount or coupon with a deadline in front of an eager audience of buyers and watch the sales come flying in.

Naturally, you still need a great headline, benefits, and proof your product works. But essentially your campaign is all about a discount that is going to expire soon.

You can use this method in your ads to brand new customers as well as offer it to your established clients. A great offer to the right audience with a tasty discount is all you need to make sales.

And yes, you can continue to offer that discount or coupons forever in your ads, since your ads will generally always be in front of a new audience over time. Just remember to change the expiration each time.

2: Make Them Qualify

When everyone is shouting from the rooftops, “Buy from me, buy from me,” then maybe this is the time to make your customers qualify for your product or service.

The higher your price point, the better this works. You’re flipping the sales dynamic from convincing to qualifying, and you’ll be shocked at how this readjusts your own attitude, too.

Explain to your prospects that not everyone is a good fit for what you offer, or that you don’t have time to work with just anyone. Make them go through a short application process with qualifying questions and then book a phone interview with them. In most cases, the prospect will spend the calling telling you why you should pick them over everyone else.

If you hate pressuring people into buying, this is the technique for you. Clients are happy, you’re happy and you always have the chance to say no to anyone you don’t want to work with. 

3: Give It Away

Online marketers know this one inside and out, and yet we sometimes forget it’s the bedrock upon which we’ve built the online marketing industry.

Just think of McDonald’s: Several times per year they will offer a free cup of coffee to everyone, no purchase required. This brings new people into their store who otherwise seldom if ever go there. These new people will usually buy something to go with that coffee. And since a cup of coffee costs very little, McDonald’s ends up making more money on days they give away coffee.

You’ve seen marketers give away their books for the cost of shipping. Except that the shipping charge actually covers the cost of the book, the cost of advertising, and the cost of shipping. Now they have a new customer and yet it costs them nothing to get that new customer.

Many marketing sales funnels begin with a free offer which is then immediately followed by a paid offer. The paid offer makes enough sales to cover the cost of advertising, the funnel is financially self-liquidating and the marketer is building a list for free. 

If you have a course, give away the first couple of modules for free. If you have a book, give away the first couple of chapters. If you perform a service, give away a small one-time service to qualifying prospects.

No matter what type of business you run, any and all of these 3 campaigns can be adapted to your products and services. 

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